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Location: China Grove, Texas, United States

I like golf on Sundays and taking pictures of scenery. I'm married and have two children.

Monday, April 07, 2008

A Great Golf Clubs Resource.

Our Featured Golf Writer

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Bunkers And Sand Traps - How To Play Them

By Lee MacRae

Here are some golf driving tips to make your sand and bunker game better. Take a trip out to the range and see what it does for your score the next time out

Sand shots put such fear in the hearts of most golfers that they rush the swing fast and jerkily, thus making the good sand shot a matter more of happenstance than of planning and skill. The simple way to remedy this fault is to swing as slowly as possible. You'll find this lesson useful all over the golf course, but it is most useful in sand. Remember that the whole point of the sand shot is to miss the ball. You hit the sand, and the sand lifts the ball out of the bunker. Swinging faster usually doesn't help. Swinging very slowly will give you a greater feel of hitting the sand behind the ball, take the tension out of the shot, and ultimately give you the confidence needed to play any shot out of sand.

One of the most awkward bunker shots calls for you to stand outside the bunker when your ball is inside it. This usually results in unpleasant bending and a loss of balance. The key here is not to bend the back and stretch out to the ball. Concentrat instead on bending the knees as much as possible. Think of weightlifters. You never see them bending over to pick up their weights. They bend their knees, grab the weights, then simply stand up. Their legs are doing the lifting. Your legs, too, should do the bending on these tough bunker shots.

Don't take digging and planting your feet for granted. Digging your feet into sand will give you a firm base with which to hit the shot. Have Also it will tell you what you're dealing with: how softer or course the sand is, how deep it is, whether there is a layer of hardpan just under the surface. But be careful when digging in, however. If you dig in it too deeply, and then fill in your footprints, you will be guilty of "building a stance&&, which is a breach of rule 13-3. The penalty is two strokes in stroke play or loss or hole in match play.

And no matter what the circumstances are, don't allow tension to ruin your techinque. Tension will ruin even the best of golf swings. Keep your body and your mind loose and positive. Always imagine yourself handling the shot with success. What the mind sees, the body will do. You golf game will improve immensly when you add these tips.

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Golf Snippets

Playing The Game
Mechanical thoughts, especially during the backswing, have no place on the golf course. Swing issues and technical moves should be worked out on the practice range. On the course, focus on positive downswing thoughts like �accelerate through impact� and �finish with the right shoulder toward the target.� Avoid negative thoughts by visualizing the ballflight you're trying to produce, and swing with that image in mind. A consistent preshot routine helps.
...Golf Tips magazine

You swing the club by feel, and you learn feel through good motion. Keeping your eye on your shadow will teach you the feel of your upper body staying in position - neither moving to the right or left- nor up or down.

To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
...PGA of America

Check Your Lofts And Lies
If you play a lot or practice off range mats, your irons and wedges need to be checked and adjusted every year.
...Golf Tips magazine

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This week's Titleist Tour Report from the Bell Canadian Open features Pro V1x player Bob May.

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Tips To Improve Your Golf Game

by Lee MacRae

Here are some great tips to help improve the various aspects of your golf game.

Always club down from a driver if, in so doing, you avoid a downhill lie for your second shot. The downhill lie is the toughest of all lies to hit from. An uphill lie, though, isn't difficult at all, just so long as your club selection compensates for the slope. A flat lie is by far the best lie to hit from. So if by staying away from your driver you have the option of a flat or an uphill lie - don't think twice. Club down.

Years ago driver club heads, and clubfaces, were much smaller, resulting in a much smaller sweet-spot. The driver heads simply were not large enough to warrant a higher tee height. General rule of thumb says to tee the ball up so that the top half of the ball is above the clubface when the club is resting in starting position on the ground. Naturally with a bigger club head, you need to tee the ball higher to achieve the top half ratio. This will ensure you are still striking the ball with the center of the club head.

At the top of the backswing, there are several helpful checkpoints for achieving more distance: full upper body coil, solid base with your lower body, left knee turns past the golf ball and good, wide extension with the arms.

Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.

Improve your putting stroke with a proper target=_new>home golf putting training aid and watch your scores plummet!

Quick Golf Ideas

Now, putting pads and various practice aids have been around for a very long time. You can choose from kits ranging from a simple pad and a cup or those offering such tools as ball return. Regardless of your selection, you can get that extra advantage of some practice time right in your living room or office.
...The Golf Channel

To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
...golf news

I can�t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, �If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!� My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play better golf.
...The Golf Channel

Try Some High-Tech Clothes
We know some of the new materials look a bit different, but they really do wick away moisture and keep you cooler than cotton.
...Golf Tips magazine

Set up with the ball near your front foot, the club face square to the target line and your eyes over the ball. It is important to keep your hands level or ahead of the ball through the stroke.
...BBC golf

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Sat, 29 Mar 2008 00:00:01 +0000
<p>There is such a glut of betting in the coming weeks that it will have to be spread over two columns. Not much appeals this weekend, unless you can bet the exacta in the Boat Race. So, fast-forward to the Masters which starts on 10 April, because there are more known unknowns about this than next week's Grand National. </p>

Titleist Tour Report - Honda Classic

Thu, 09 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Watch this week's Titleist Tour Report direct from the Honda Classic featuring Davis Love III.

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Here Are Some Great Golf Tips

by Lee MacRae

The following tips have been gleaned from various sources over the years. We hope you enjoy them.

Your driver is the longest club in your bag. That means you have that much more distance between your hands and the ball at impact. Playing into the tip above about teeing the ball higher, you want to make sure that when you address the ball before your swing, that you are allowing your arms to stretch enough at impact. What I mean is that as you swing, and you continue through your downswing, your arms "stretch". It's like that "trick" you learn when you're younger where you stand by a wall and extend your arms and fingertips so that they just barely touch the wall. Put your arms down to rest and then reach up again and you should be able to easily touch the wall. The same concept applies. As you swing, your arms will naturally stretch a bit due to speed and gravity. So if you set up the ball in the middle of the clubface at rest, on your swing you may be apt to hit the ball on the heel of the club. Setting up the ball more towards the toe of the clubface should allow you to hit the ball more on the sweet-spot.

Years ago driver club heads, and clubfaces, were much smaller, resulting in a much smaller sweet-spot. The driver heads simply were not large enough to warrant a higher tee height. General rule of thumb says to tee the ball up so that the top half of the ball is above the clubface when the club is resting in starting position on the ground. Naturally with a bigger club head, you need to tee the ball higher to achieve the top half ratio. This will ensure you are still striking the ball with the center of the club head.

Always club down from a driver if, in so doing, you avoid a downhill lie for your second shot. The downhill lie is the toughest of all lies to hit from. An uphill lie, though, isn't difficult at all, just so long as your club selection compensates for the slope. A flat lie is by far the best lie to hit from. So if by staying away from your driver you have the option of a flat or an uphill lie - don't think twice. Club down.

If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.

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More Thoughts On Golf

A Portable GPS Unit
These impressive devices are reliable and easy to use. Some even allow you to measure your drives.
...Golf Tips magazine

There are a number of possible reasons for hitting behind the ball. If you are not shifting your weight properly on the downswing, from the back leg to the front leg, your swing will bottom out before the club gets to the ball. Also, if you do not keep your head steady, you do not know where your swing will bottom out. Also, if you do not keep your leading arm reasonably straight, the arc of your swing will vary, so you can improve your consistency by focusing on these 3 areas.
...US Golf Association

The simple way to learn the proper feel of your swing center is to place a golf ball on the ground and, with sun to your back, take your stance in a position whereby the shadow of your head covers the ball. As you swing, keep your eyes on the shadow. During the swing the shadow will move slightly, however if it moves off the ball you have lost the correct swing center. If the shadow remains on the ball you have kept the swing in the correct position. Repeat this excellent drill daily so as to reinforce good habits that will yield the reults you seek.

To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
...PGA of America

Many swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
...Golf Help

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Vijay Singh Captures Barclays Classic for Record Third Time; Top 11 Finishers Trust Titleist Golf Balls.

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